How MB Sentinel Enhanced Their Parcel Box Design with Southco

MB Sentinel (MB) was founded in 2017 to make the home delivery experience safe and simple with our sophisticated line of delivery dropboxes. MB is a manufacturer of mailbox and package delivery boxes for residential and commercial buildings. MB fills the need in the marketplace for consumers to have a secure space to receive delivered packages at their homes.
MB’s secure package safes make it easy and convenient for couriers to lock and unlock their mailboxes - simply by adding a lock code to the customers’ delivery address information on their shipments.
Our models are customized to suit each individual’s needs. We design package safes for single-family homes, apartments and HOA (homeowner association) buildings, as well as for commercial use.
Beyond securing packages, MB Sentinel provides a safe space for this activity. Founder Jeff Kutas says, “Package delivery is not pizza delivery, so it just makes sense to have a safe space for this activity to take place.” The home security benefits and customizable features that MB products give to our customers is unrivaled in today’s market.
The Challenge
The MB team was looking for top quality, corrosion-resistant solutions to secure packages. As they were looking to expand beyond just custom mailboxes, MB Sentinel knew they needed a reliable supplier to align with MB’s plans for growth. They also needed a supplier who could provide multiple solutions with our products, offering customers the flexibility to customize the security levels of their home deliveries.
The Solution
MB chose Southco’s A7 Compression Latch for their rear door mechanical lock option and the R4-EM Electronic Rotary Latch, with an E5 Cam Latch and PT Lock Plug mechanical override for the front exterior door on all models.
All MB Sentinel parcel boxes also use an E6 Constant Torque Position Control Hinge, which allows for constant positioning of the door through its full range of motion.
With Southco, MB was able to fill all of their access hardware needs through one supplier. From mechanical lock options to the electronic lock upgrades, as well as a hinge solution that gives the parcel box door an ergonomic feel.
The Challenge
MB Sentinel is a manufacturer of mailbox and package delivery boxes for residential and commercial buildings. MB’s offerings include parcel box solutions for curbside and driveway, in-fence and column integrations, multi-family and HOA, and wall inserts. MB Sentinel also offers customers the ability to customize security features of their mailbox to find the right solution that works for them, and allows for future security upgrades.
MB’s postal box solutions hit the market at just the right time. With ecommerce growing over 32% in the US in 2020 alone, the need for a secure parcel drop box solution is higher than ever.[1] With this robust growth in ecommerce comes the rise in packages being left at buyers’ doorsteps, making them vulnerable to damage or theft. In fact, according to a survey by C+R Research, nearly half of respondents reported receiving a delivery at home every week, with 43% reporting themselves as a victim of package theft. [2]
Utilizing a secure parcel box ensures peace of mind for consumers who are waiting for their online purchases to safely arrive at their residences and places of business.
While designing their patented postal boxes, MB knew they needed a high quality locking solution to ensure their boxes were not only secure but also resistant to vandalism and corrosion in outdoor environments. They also needed a reliable supplier with the manufacturing capabilities to scale these solutions for growth.
The Solution
By partnering with Southco, MB can fulfill all of their access hardware needs with one supplier. Southco provided mechanical locking options and electronic locking upgrades, as well as an ergonomic hinge solution that makes the parcel box door feel more substantial for the end user.
Electronic Access Control
Southco’s R4-EM Electronic Rotary Latch is integrated into the front delivery door of all MB’s models and is connected to an electronic keypad, which actuates the latch to open the door. , Depending on security and delivery requirements, the R4-EM can also be used on the rear door of the enclosure. For example, when a model is integrated into a structure like a fence, a second keypad and latch combination allows the user access from the rear.
The electronic latch can also be installed on the rear doors of free standing enclosures. In this application, the rear door allows access to separate letter trays and package compartments. The rear door can be equipped with a secondary key code that only allows package carriers to access to the lower parcel compartment, while the postal carriers can still deliver letter mail from the front.
Southco’s Electronic Access Solutions (EAS), like the R4-EM Electronic Rotary Latch combine Southco’s proven engineered mechanical locks and latches with electronic actuation, providing enhanced security and remote controlled and monitored access. In case of a power outage, the R4-EM can be installed with a mechanical override, which allows the user to open the door manually. MB Sentinel chose Southco’s E5 Cam Latch and PT Lock Plug for their exterior doors as mechanical override options.
Mechanical Latching
When choosing a mechanical solution for securing the rear door on full cabinet wall insert placements, MB chose the A7 Compression Latch, which provides a weather-tight seal from the elements and keeps intruders from having access from the front door located on the outside of a home or business. The heavy-duty, lever-style action provided by Southco’s A7 series provides door-closing leverage for heavier gasketed door applications through a combination of strength, ease of installation and simplicity of operation.
Ergonomic Positioning Hinges
All MB Sentinel Package Delivery Systems are equipped with Southco’s E6 Constant Torque Position Control Hinge. The E6 series features integrated constant torque, which allows for constant resistance throughout the entire range of motion. As a result, users are able to easily position parcel box doors and hold them securely at any desired angle – fully opened, fully closed or anywhere in between.
Implementation and Results
Business at MB Sentinel is growing and customers appreciate the quality of their products. MB has been awarded two patents and their mailboxes have earned recognition in the industry, winning a 2021 Star Award from The Texas Association of Builders (TAB).[3]
With growing demand for their secure parcel boxes, MB has recently opened distribution-to-builder segment through Acme Brick, a Berkshire Hathaway company, to now offer immediate access to homebuilders to purchase their solutions.
Partnering with Southco helped MB Sentinel offer a high quality locking solution with ability to customize security options and also scale business with their projections for future growth.
MB Sentinel Founder Jeff Kutas said: “People already believe that our Mailbox and Box Sentinel parcels safes are the best. Using Southco hardware gives me the confidence to agree with them.”
[1] Ali, Fareeha, Young, Jessica. (2021, January 29). US ecommerce grows 32.4% in 2020. Digital Commerce 360.
[2] C+R Research. (2020). 2020 Package Theft Statistics Report.
[3] Texas Association of Builders (TAB). (2021) 2021 TAB Star Awards Winners Announced.