Locking Metal Ballot Box For Voting In 2020 Elections

The 2020 election season is upon us, and it promises to look very, very different than what we’re used to. Election security is a prominent topic, and whether the majority of votes are cast via mail or in physical polling places, keeping every citizen’s vote secure is of the utmost importance.
With increasing evidence of interference in the 2016 presidential election, municipalities across the nation are looking for ways to keep their elections as secure as possible. Adding to the complexities of an election during a pandemic, there is anxiety about the ability of the United States Postal Service to process the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots that it is likely to receive in a timely manner.
Due to these concerns, cities and towns across the country are installing secure public ballot drop boxes—many for the first time in history. Massachusetts is putting out 193 secure public voting boxes this season. NPR reported that “In the last presidential election, about 16% of voters nationwide used drop boxes, but they were concentrated in states such as Washington, Oregon and Colorado, where almost all voters cast absentee ballots.” Election offices in some states are also set up to accept drop-off ballots to avoid having voters congregate for long periods of time at polling places. With voting machines playing a smaller role in this election, there is a strong need for places to collect and store the millions of ballots that citizens will fill out at home and submit somewhere outside the voting booth.
Because of this year’s unorthodox ballot collection methods, the locking metal ballot box will be more important for voting in 2020 elections than ever before. If you do a simple web search, you’ll see that most of the locking ballot boxes on the market are small, cheap, and not secure enough to trust for something as important as a national or local election.
Because security is paramount, MailBox Sentinel has designed the Box Sentinel Ballot Box for ultimate voting peace of mind. Made of stainless steel and aluminum, it features a ballot slot with a lockable door for ballot submission. A lockable rear door allows access to the large canvas mail bag that holds the ballots. The bag itself is lockable with a rope lock to prevent tampering during or after transportation. The Box Sentinel Ballot Box can also be customized with your county or municipality’s logo so that voters know that the secure box is an official ballot submission spot.
The Box Sentinel Ballot Box can also be anchored into the ground for added security. MailBox Sentinel can customize ballot boxes for a wide range of unique needs to ensure that your locking metal ballot box meets all of your election-day needs.