Extra Large Mailbox For Packages

We all receive packages and are grateful to be able to have the items we want and need shipped to our homes from anywhere in the world in a matter of days. Unfortunately, technology has not quite kept up with the rapidly increasing rate of home deliveries. We can track a package every step of the way on its journey across the world, but once it’s out for delivery, we typically only know that it’ll arrive sometime that day.
The Problem
Not knowing exactly when a package is left on your doorstep means it can sit out, open and exposed to any and all passersby, for hours. And while we’d all like to trust the people who live in and come through our neighborhoods, the fact is that some people see these unattended packages as an opportunity for theft and subsequent profit. These parcel thieves are commonly known as “porch pirates,” and they get a lot of coverage during the holiday season when package delivery volume increases. However, porch pirates can strike at any time.
According to a 2017 report by Shorr Packaging, 31% of respondents—nearly one in three people—have personally experienced package theft. The survey also found that most respondents have price limits of items they’d be willing to have shipped to them, presumably due to theft concerns. Furthermore, 53% said that they had changed their plans in order to be home for a package arrival. This is all a great inconvenience, and people try many approaches to keep their packages safe, from security cameras to alternate shipping locations.
The Solution
None of the options above are particularly effective or convenient, except for one: a secure, locking extra large parcel drop box. Imagine knowing that your delivery will be placed in a locked metal box that only you and your parcel carrier have access to, and that it will be waiting for you when you get home. That’s the reality of secure parcel boxes from companies such as MailBox Sentinel.
What Makes it Secure?
Unlike a standard mailbox, secure personal parcel drop boxes are built with security in mind. With stainless steel and heavy-duty aluminum components, they’re tamper-resistant and definitely put up enough of a fight to dissuade any crime of opportunity, as most package thefts are. A proper parcel drop box will also have provisions for anchoring it to the ground, a fence, or even your home. This ensures that a thief cannot simply run off with your entire parcel drop box to try to remove the contents later. Want additional peace of mind? MailBox Sentinel boxes are designed for integration with video doorbells from all of the popular companies on the market, including Ring, Nest, and more. An imposing-looking metal parcel safe that’s anchored to the ground and equipped with a security camera is enough to deter even the boldest package thief, so you’ll take comfort knowing that your deliveries will always be waiting right where they should be when you get home.
How Does the Parcel Delivery Person Open It?
There are a variety of methods for allowing secure and convenient access for the people who will be delivering your items. Some use a “baffle door” similar to what you see on a USPS drop box—you can place an item inside, but you can’t reach inside to remove anything. Boxes such as MailBox Sentinel’s use an electronic keypad with a pre-programmed code to grant package carriers access. Simply provide the code in the “Special Instructions” section of your shipment details and you’re good to go. Retrieve your packages at your convenience via a door and second keypad on the back of the box. As an extra convenience measure, the keypads can be wired to run on solar power, and all boxes include a manual key override feature so you can retrieve your packages even if the power is out.
What Else Should I Know?
One aspect of a secure parcel box that some buyers may overlook is the size: is it large enough to hold your packages? MailBox Sentinel’s standard box will hold a package that’s 26 x 18 x 16 inches. Think about the items you buy regularly and whether you need something larger. If you do need an extra large parcel drop box, MailBox Sentinel can build you one that’s customized for your needs. A business might consider an extra large locking mailbox for packages to accommodate the business supplies they order on a regular basis, or a family might invest in a larger box for their home to fit the items they order monthly from Amazon.
Finally, you should consider aesthetics. An extra large locking mailbox will be a lifelong investment and likely the first thing people see when they arrive at your home, so you want it to be something that represents you. MailBox Sentinel boxes come in 15 different powder coat finishes, but custom colors are also available. If you want to go the extra step and design your secure parcel box to match the architectural flair of your home, MailBox Sentinel can build whatever it is you have in mind.
Don’t wait until something expensive—or even priceless—is stolen right off your doorstep: the best time to invest in package security is before anything is ever taken. It’s an investment that will pay for itself in convenience and the comfort of knowing that you won’t have to rush home to catch the delivery driver or even worry about your packages getting wet in the rain. And with MailBox Sentinel’s gorgeous designs and custom options, you can even make your extra-large locking mailbox a statement piece for your home that’s a pleasure to look at and use for decades to come!